Call for Session Proposals
NNS 2025 Call for Session Proposals
The Call for Session Proposals for the 42nd Annual Symposium of the National Neurotrauma Society, which includes the AANS/CNS Joint Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care (NNS 2025), will open on October 1, 2024.
All the delegates who wish to have a concurrent session, AANS/CNS session, or workshop at our upcoming symposium are welcome to make submissions. This is a valuable opportunity to showcase your research and engage in insightful discussions with experts in the field of Neurotrauma. With many opportunities available, we encouraged all eligible individuals to take advantage of this opportunity! The deadline for the proposal submission is Friday, November 8, 2024, at 11:59 PM (PST).
Guidelines for Submitting a Session Proposal
- Session chair should have current NNS or AANS/CNS Membership.
- Session proposal should include 4 speakers (please email the additional speaker and presentation information to if your session includes more than 4 speakers).
- Time allotted for each symposia session is 90 minutes. At the session organizer’s discretion, sessions may be organized as four 15 to 20-min talk slots followed by questions. The final minutes could be used for an alternative format, such as a debate among the four speakers, an extended Q&A between the audience and all four speakers, etc.
- The Symposium Planning Committee reserves the right to ask an organizer to modify their session to ensure balance and quality in the annual meeting program.
- Speakers should only give one talk in one session. Please make sure the speakers you invite haven’t agreed to speak in another session.
- Speakers should understand that no honorarium is given for participation (complimentary registration and /or travel will be provided at the Planning Committee’s discretion and as budget allows).
- Speakers are encouraged to include the latest research and data to contribute to an increasingly innovative program. NNS 2024 Program is available here.
Higher priority will be giving to session proposals including the following:
- include related SCI and TBI talks
- include related preclinical and clinical talks
- have institutional diversity
- have gender and rank diversity
- sessions with confirmed speakers
- Session chair should be the submitter of the proposal. If you plan to submit on behalf of the session chair, please notify and proceed.
- Your will need below information to complete the proposal submission:
-session title and description (250 words maximum)
-session chairs and speakers personal and contact information
-speaker presentation titles - If you wish to submit more than one proposal, please complete the submission for your first proposal and contact
Presenting author must submit the abstract and register for the conference. Multiple submissions from one person on behalf of multiple presenting authors are NOT allowed. If you are submitting the abstract on behalf of the presenting author, please enter presenting author’s information.
Members of NNS or AANS/CNS – US$60 per abstract.
Non-Members – US$110 per abstract.
In order to receive the member discounted registration fee, you must pay your membership dues for the current year PRIOR to submitting!
Check the National Neurotrauma Society Membership Page here.
A link to collect presenting author’s disclosure information will be sent out after abstract acceptance.
Please do NOT type everything in capital letters. Use succinct and descriptive words in your title. Attendees often are attracted to your poster by reading your title. Do not use abbreviations in the title.
1) The abstract should be informative, containing:
- the specific objectives of the study;
- a brief statement of method, if pertinent;
- a summary of the main results;
- a conclusion containing the main message of the paper. (It is not acceptable to state, for
instance: “our data concerning… will be presented” or “The results will be discussed”.) - figures, images, or tables of any kind are not permitted.
2) There is a maximum 250 words for the Abstract body, including acknowledgements of support.
3) When using non-standard abbreviations, spell them out in full the first time they appear in the text followed by the abbreviations in parentheses. Capitalize the first letter of trade names.
4) Do NOT enter author or affiliation information in the abstract text box.
The Program Committee reviews and grades each abstract submission for quality, ethical guidelines, and scientific merit. A blind grading process is used to ensure anonymity and equality. From the online submissions, the Program Committee determines the qualified abstracts to be presented during the Data Blitz and Poster sessions. All submitted abstracts will be judged by a committee to ensure a high quality of scientific research.
Abstracts will be accepted as a poster presentation unless there are issues related to:
- Ethics
- Lack of relationship to brain/cranial or spine/spinal cord trauma
- Lack of actual data in the abstract
- Lack of data details (p-values, sample size, % changes, etc.)
The Program Committee will select abstracts from all submissions to be presented as posters during the Poster Sessions. Please note that authors whose abstracts are selected for poster presentation will also be eligible to participate in the Data Blitz session if the presenting author is a trainee (undergraduate student, graduate, nursing or medical student, postdoctoral fellow, or resident).
The Program Committee will select abstracts from all submissions to be presented orally during the Data Blitz sessions. Each presenter will be limited to 1-3 slides and a maximum of 3 minutes of presentation time. Data Blitz presenters will ALSO present a poster.
All accepted abstracts will be published electronically (online) in the Journal of Neurotrauma to coordinate with day one of the conference, and will be included the issue that publishes following the conference.
The Program Committee has stopped accepting abstracts for Neurotrauma 2023.
Abstract Submission Deadline was Extended until March 12, 2023 at 11:59 PM (EST).
To register for NNS 2023, click on the button “REGISTER HERE” below.
Submission Fees (non-refundable):
Members of NNS or AANS/CNS:
- US$60 per abstract.
- US$110 per abstract.
In order to receive the member discounted registration & abstract fee, you must pay your membership dues for the current year PRIOR to submitting!
Check the National Neurotrauma Society Membership Page here for additional information.
You can also join the AANS or CNS to benefit from the member discount.
All Abstracts will be published online in the Journal of Neurotrauma.
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