Adam Ferguson
Adam R. Ferguson, MS, PhD
Past-President NNS (in office 2023-2024)
Symposium Planning Committee Chair (NNS 2025)
Co-Director, Brain and Spinal Injury Center (BASIC)
Director of Biostatistics, Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery
Weill Institute for Neurosciences
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Principal Investigator, San Francisco VA Health Care System
Adam R. Ferguson, MS, PhD is Co-Director Brain and Spinal Injury at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Professor of Neurological Surgery in the Weill Institute for Neurosciences at UCSF, and Principal Investigator in the San Francisco VA Healthcare System. His neurotrauma research interests span from mechanistic neuroscience in model organisms to large-scale clinical data science and precision medicine research for TBI and SCI. He directs a diverse team of researchers performing a hybrid of bench neuroscience in the laboratory and translational data science, supported by grants from the NIH, VA, DoD, DARPA and non-profits. He has a history of active participation in the National Neurotrauma Society. As a postdoc he won the Michael Goldberger research prize and later transitioned into faculty. He has served the National Neurotrauma Society as n elected councilor, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, and President, and current serves as Past-President and Symposium Planning Committee Chair. His other community and public service roles include serving as founding co-director of international data sharing efforts in neurotrauma through the Open Data Commons for SCI (odc-sci.org) and TBI (odc-tbi.org); representing the field at National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine workshops on the data lifecycle in biomedicine; serving on NIH/NINDS TBI common data elements workgroups; and federal study sections. He also has a strong dedication to teaching and mentorship of next-generation researchers. He serves as curriculum director for data science and biostatistics for the UCSF Biomedical Sciences graduate program and has served as sponsor/mentor on 20 successful fellowships including 6 NRSAs, a NIH K99R00, K22R00, K08, K23, an NIH diversity supplement, NIH BD2K RoadTrip fellowship, VA Career Development awards, among others. He has authored 230+ peer-reviewed scientific papers with trainees from diverse and multidisciplinary backgrounds across bench science, data science, and clinical neurotrauma research.